Musings on Writing & Publishing

The more I read and hear from near and far, the more I realize that ebooks are changing many lives in positive ways.
Many writers no longer have to endure years of agent rejections before publishing their work. Many readers are discovering new authors because they like ebooks and like paying less than what the popular authors ask.
At last, there is a great new place for the less popular people to hang out, a place so big, it feels like infinity. It’s the world of digital.
Publishing consolidation continues to make publishers more cautious about trying something new. They are surviving on the Donald Trump books and blockbuster novels from well-known established writers. There’s that word again: established. As in establishment. Increasingly becoming the common enemy that might possibly be the only way to reunite our country. But that’s what they do best and whom they serve best. “You get the customers you deserve.”
Worldreader is demonstrating daily how ebooks are changing lives in remote regions of the world. Not just ebooks, but digital reading. On phones. On network-connected screens that overcome the heartless barriers of geography.
Civilizations no longer need that one great river or port to flourish.
The new Nile of our times is the Internet. And this is great news for a better future. Which is why we are launching our new hashtag: #ebookschange lives. Please come visit us in this new world, on Twitter, Facebook, and unknown worlds to come.