Titles in Paperback and Ebook Editions

Many of our titles are available in both paperback and ebook editions available wherever books are sold.

Others are exclusively available in paperback editions through the Espresso Book Machine Network, a print-on-demand machine available at fine bookstores and libraries around the world (some locations shown below). These books are of the same quality as the books traditionally printed.

If you don't see the title you want available in paperback from Amazon, Book Baby, or IndieBound, that means it is only available through the Espresso Book Machine Network of stores and libraries. The list below shows stores with Espresso Book Machines that can print you a copy and most will mail if requested.


REMEMBER: You can start reading all Publerati fiction right away in a variety of ebook formats from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and others. Our ebooks all cost under $10 and trade paperbacks are less than $20. Take me back to SHOP.

COVID NOTE: Due to the pandemic, many stores are not operating their Espresso Book Machines given limited in-store staffing. Shakespeare & Co in New York is your best bet for requesting a mail order copy.  Please email them at: ebm@shakeandco.com. They can print and mail the following titles:  Thanksgiving by Ellen Cooney; An American Gospel by Michael Daffenberg; Journey of the North Star by Douglas Penick, and Dancing in the Kitchen by Susan Sterling.

The Espresso books are high-quality trade paperbacks printed on cream-colored paper in a font size that’s easy on the eyes.

Here are some U.S. locations to get you started, and others around the world can be found by clicking the link at the bottom. But note, you might want to email Shakespeare & Co (see address above) given Covid disruptions. Thank you!

Pick up in-store…or mail-order. By state:


Flintridge Bookstore and Coffee House (Flintridge)

Washington, DC

Politics and Prose Bookstore


Harvard Bookstore (not the Harvard Coop)
1256 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138

MIT Bookstore


The Book Review (Falmouth); Phone: (207) 781-4808
(carries the Don Trowden Normal Family Trilogy)

Sherman's Six-Store Chain
(carries Normal FamilyNo One Ran to the Altar, and All the Lies We Live by Don Trowden)


Schuler Books (Grand Rapids)


New York City:

Shakespeare & Co  (Upper East Side)
​939 Lexington Avenue, between 68th and 69th streets
Also will mail to you. ebm@shakeandco.com

Shakespeare & Co  (Upper West Side)
2020 Broadway between 69th and 70th streets

Logos Bookstore (Upper East Side)
(carries Normal Family, No One Ran to the Altar, and All the Lies We Live by Don Trowden)

McNally Jackson (52 Prince Street, Village)

Barnes & Noble (Union Square)

Cornell Bookstore (Ithaca)


Barnes & Noble (Paramus)


Powell’s Bookstore


Barnes & Noble (Willow Grove)

Shakespeare & Co in Philadelphia, 1632 Walnut Street
Printing & Publishing Program:
EBM Operator
Email: 4ebm1@shakeandco.com


University of Texas (Austin)


Third Place Books (Seattle)