Submissions from Authors and Agents


We accept submissions directly from authors and agents. We are only interested in publishing works of unique literary fiction, which means no romance, no vampires, and no formulaic thrillers.


Before you submit, we encourage you to sign up for our e-newsletter and we'll send you our pdf:  "Top Ten Areas for Improvement When Writing Fiction." This has been compiled after evaluating thousands of submissions over many years and could help you get past our first screening.

When ready to make your submission, please email us at the following:

  1. Jacket or selling copy for your work. Why would a reader want to read it?
  2. Information about you that would assist with book publicity.
  3. The first ten pages of your work pasted into the body of the email.

How Long?

Please allow about one month for us to get back to you. Sometimes we are faster, sometimes slower. If you have not heard from us within three months, please send us a reminder email. Thanks for your patience as we are busy editing current projects while trying to keep up with submissions.

Our "No Alas Rejection" Guarantee

We know you work hard in submitting the best possible material. This is why we promise to offer the best possible feedback should we decide not to work with you. In particular, we offer a 100% No Alas Guarantee, which means you will never, ever, encounter the word "alas" in a rejection letter from Publerati.